
To be honest it’s not only Facebook but that’s where I noticed the trend recently. That title’s pun is misleading by the way. Maybe it should be Boobbook to respect logical linguistic structure? How nice would that be? A whole social media where you could find your old friends by looking at pictures of their boobs? And I wouldn’t have a problem with that even though A- I’m not sure I’d have an account and B- it likely already exists as friendly neighbor porn sites? In fact, before going on full rant, let me specify that I am a huge fan of boobs and heck a fan of huge boobs for that matter! 😎 That’s life, one doesn’t reinvent oneself past a given age! This said, I am also an avid fan of mountain bikes and yet, I don’t put those everywhere?


I have bikes, yes, but not in my cupboards for instance. Well, similarly I don’t understand why there are so many boobs in my Facebook? I guess it can of course be explained by the fact that there are ads on FB and that despite years of feminism, it still comes down to boobs very quickly to sell stuff. I also know that such platforms and those that advertise on them make use of demographic data to determine which advertising is best suited for you. The problem with that is that apparently, it has been found that based on these stats and numbers, I should be solely interested in Boobs and Games ( not that the 2 are mutually exclusive, far from it )! Taht can easily become conflictual.

I use my Facebook account for three primary purposes. One is to keep in touch with old friends and family, of course. Another is to play games although never more than one game at a time; at present that would be Dragon City that my son also plays so that we share the interest and tips and so on. The last reason is to be informed on matters that I do not follow by myself but friends do. For instance, my old friend Lynda keeps me abreast of  ( … oobs, it did it again … ) things such as society concerns, left-wing fights and feminist worries? So that if you consider the last, I imagine that she’d be as shocked as I am distracted by the right hand bar of large titted “rich, honest, simple, easy-going ( I bet! ), women looking for true relationships” that adorns my FB page? Or, to consider the previous use mentioned, if I wanted to introduce my friend Jeff’s daughter or a similarly aged kid ( 5 to 15 even ) to the cute Dragon City, I couldn’t use my account?

True enough, they are not naked ladies but still, they’re not believable either? I have patiently gathered some snapshots to convince my readers that those boobs are not all in my head ( which does not exclude that at times of c…) :

Snapshot 2014-01-24 07-42-31


So Jane huh? Let’s check her again?


I wonder if that explains a given fringe party’s popularity? Cause as I fed my Dragons, I couldn’t help thinking that I’d vote for them … huh Her I mean?

Snapshot 2014-01-25 11-09-10

Is it just me or is that first up lady being photographed on or in the toilet / bathroom? And that’s supposed to be sexy?

Snapshot 2014-01-25 11-15-16

Similarly, above, tax me as old school but besides being much younger than I am, these 2 girls seem very busy with each other. And since I’ve never been a fan of interfering in things that don’t concern me … At least the lower girl looks Vietnamese because that is not a given either check below :

Snapshot 2014-01-25 11-27-35

Chinese? Really?

What’s that you say? I lied? Not enough boobs?

Snapshot 2014-01-25 11-26-24


Snapshot 2014-01-25 11-17-13


Snapshot 2014-01-25 11-18-17

So much boobs that the last one does not even have a head to go along with them? It might be as the French accompanying text mentions because she wants to cheat on someone with my help though. Which for moral reasons, is not my thing but allows me to refer to the first of the 3 and the makers of that game which invites me to humiliate her : NO THANK YOU! Contrarily to your ad, I don’t find that stimulating.

You gotta admit there are plenty without a single justification for the lot of them? Especially since yes, I did lie … in saying that I had patiently gathered these up there when in fact, I just went to my FaceBoob as I wrote and grabbed them all for this post to the notable exceptions of the one that looks suspiciously like Sarah Palin AND this last one :

Snapshot 2014-01-02 16-21-27

Not funny? Nothing surprising? Have you read the text or was all your attention on the striking vivacity of that gal’s … hum … mind?

“Unique Forex Loophole Exposed … “ As in Market traders dot com! As in investment firms? I never heard “it” called a loophole” before but I did recognize Sexy, Exposed, Reveal and Naked!

Yes, I checked, it was AYI or Koosk or some other dating mating thing! It still shows how far those people will go to sell you their services and that Facebook doesn’t do such a great job of screening them for validity nor veracity, right? Despite having seen one such client of theirs commit an utterly immoral mistake merely 4 months back as I outlined in this blog :


We’re sorry, sorry, sorry, very sorry … we don’t care?


Ok enough on Fakeboob; it is admittedly not entirely their faults that big boobs distract me while I don’t notice credit card or drunk driving ads, let’s turn to the bigger picture! [ No, no, no hi res pic of famous boobs; that’s not what I meant, sigh ]

So Boobs yes but not everywhere! For it is worth reminding the reader that I am not averse to boobs. I have had wonderful relationships with pairs of them. I recently ended a serious piece on violence by joking about America’s puritan views that forbid boobs but allow guns in movies reminding all that half of the US students bring boobs to school everyday with much less dramatic results than when a single one brings a shotgun? Heck, I like boobs so much, I root for them at every Superbowl ( especially along the sidelines ) regardless of who’s playing? And yet, I don’t wish for them to be everywhere. Otherwise said, I’ll take my boobs in context only, thank you very much!

I don’t want them on my Facebook or any other endeavour or medium which does not relate to their use. I don’t want boobs in my science or psychology magazines. I don’t want too many in my dreams for I sometimes enjoy sleeping facing down and I don’t even want too many more than say a couple on my girlfriend? I wish their was less emphasis on them and more on talent in entertainment even adult “contempt ordinary”* and except adult in the other sense. I don’t want huge tatas, boobies, funbags or whatever else they may be called on billboards especially bus sides ones as it may lead me to fall off my bike and that brings me to this vision of the future that is just around the corner ( sic ) :

-the gentleman punches the wavelength down button until he reaches that station that plays stuff from his youth : Hendrix, the Floyds, older Bowie stuff, etc and as the DJ skillfully mixes in Marvin lamenting about what he heard through the grapevine, the Google analytics informs the local Hooters about a prospective client according to a finely tuned demographics expert program which prompts a 48 inches pair of enhanced  HD 3-D boobs to jump out at him from the windshield surface clad in the familiar orange owl eyes and as he loses control of his vehicle, your pedestrian street crossing and life are interrupted? Bang!


Through no fault of your own and for the sake of boobs?


Sad, sad, sad.


* I might have misspelled that?

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