
North Korea launched three missiles today.


The sort of cold response it got, here when I told my readers why this time China was not in a playing mood but of course in general from experts, with its nuclear war at the US threats and all was not appreciated in Pyongyang.

Like a child after an unsuccessful tantrum, the regime wants attention.

And yet, it does get some in the exact way that I had predicted, check :


( The link to South African ENCA is to discover in itself! )


Meanwhile at the Cannes cinema festival, A shooting ( starter pistol with blanks, not assault rifle ) interrupted a TV show


to follow the huge Jewelry theft of the opening :


Entertainment seems as bad as Sports so let us turn to Culture instead.


In museums, we also find a pair of news as the National Museum of Pakistan unveils new marvels from digs around Quetta for the first time :


The collection includes a 300 years old Holy Quran and runs all the way back to Gandhara and Indus civilisations artefacts. It is not a coincidence since today is the International Museum Day
and that brings our second information about. It will be Museum Night in Europe.


The trend was born in Germany but caught on in Paris as told by the BBC above. It is spreading though. I admit to being a huge fan of those day-events where a part of culture is made more or differently accessible to the greater public. A few hours away from Internet as family with the kids to discover the real world through its past?


I talked about Pope Francis yesterday and I’ll have to come back to the Vatican. No religion though, simply politics?

I discovered the secret of Angela Merkel’s long sand successful career as a top politician! Often depicted as tough and unyielding, Ma,am Merkel is actually incredibly adaptable, a well-known tactics of some species, humans and bacteria for instance! There are still talks of her past in “communist” Eastern Germany even while she now embodies staunch Right-wing governance.

By comparing her to the guy in Rome, it shows in much clearer fashion though :

When the Pope  looked like this :


… so did Angela :

German Chancellor Angela Merkel visits the public transport company PVGS Personenverkehrsgesellschaft mbH in Salzwedel

Now, look at them :



And apart from the insight on Frau Merkel, it goes to show how good a choice that Pope was. Lighting up faces, bringing Joy to the World?

On that positive image, good day all, Tay.

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