
On Monday, the Armed Forces got the right to autonomously engage the population of the United States of America without Presidential order :

Federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances.


Apart from the obvious bug it may constitute for my American readers, it means that from now on, Right-Wing freaks can’t be certain President Obama is the Tyranny and laughs in the face of anti-background checks for gun acquisition. You’re glad for that Congress refusal recently? You don’t want to fill out a form to help prevent loonies shooting innocents? Better buy those AR15s assault rifles by the truckload, buddy, the mightiest military of the planet just got the right to kick your butt for kicks when it feels so inclined, no permission asked?

On Wednesday, Human stem cell cloning was reported. In that technique, the nucleus is taken from a person’s cell from body tissue is “injected” in an unfertilized egg from which the nucleus was also extracted. The egg changes back the inherited nucleus’ DNA to its initial settings and starts production of stem cells that are still themselves able to become any of the specialized body tissues or structures. And you should not reject a graft from yourself or you really are anti-social? Think of it of course for disease therapy but also as a first step to the Sci-Fi sequence where they grow back a limb for you at the hospital.

The field had sort of disregarded that avenue so nice effort and it does not pose more ethical problems in particular than those of genetics in general to be honest.


The Good W.11, a fellow forumer provide this interactive complete map of the last Pakistani election, for those that may know more and want details. May he be hereby thanked.


It’s called D-Wave is the first computer to make use of a quantum effect, those “un-logic” attitudes matter below the atomic particle level. It goes faster, a lot faster.

It is not though the full-fledged Quantum computing many are looking for, but the idea of making the World’s fastest computer for a quarter century as they get ready with that does not seem to worry D-Wave’s Geordie Rose, now does it? 😉


The NASA just got one for 15 million so size and price mean it won’t be your next laptop yet.
Full report from the Beeb :


On Thursday, the Pope, Francis the First earned its namesake to the saint from Assisis. He denounced the rule of money! Joining the Second Amendment fans, he called it a Tyranny!


The moral implication that some regulation of  money should allow the government to provide dignity to its citizens without stopping those who feel so inclined. That seems so evident to me that instead of a long explanation :


And today, Russia is given as having sold Oniks, or rather since exported Yakhonts, anti_ship missiles to Syria! Geo-politics 101 : Nation X is fighting its population in a civl war/massacre format. Nation X fears an eventual International Community intervention. Those can cruise get to ships more than 200 miles of the coast of say, Syria? Not useful to control pedestrians in town though? So why did Nation Y still went on to sell Nation X these missiles? Even though it would anger most others?

Could defending its Tartus, Syria, military base the answer? Russia’s burrow in the Mediterranean?



Fingers crossed for the week-end, Tay.

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