
Well, I wasn’t supposed to but just this once because we must :

Boston Marathon bomber sentenced to death.
As long as America stands by the execution punishment, it should be delivered the same way it was earned cuz’ I’d get a kick at seeing someone blown to bits by an (not-so )I.E.D. and a state coroner taking vitals off the biggest remaining part.

Islamic State seizes capital of Iraq’s largest province
Bombs direct the traffic, ground troops do the real fighting and the only ones doing so now on the Iraq side versus ISIS are the Iranian backed Shiia militias, just saying’!

Bill Cosby breaks silence on rape allegations: ‘I have never seen anything like this’ (Video)
Neither did the victims apparently!

Bill Cosby‘s bizarre response to rape allegations: “Reality is the situation, and I can’t speak”
As opposed to when reality is not the situation and one is allowed to say anything they want?

I voted for the Iraq war before I opposed it. – Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, and I used to find sex yucky … before I turned 8!

From this full wrap-up on the 2016 carnival :
CARLY FIORINA: “… going into Iraq was mismanaged, and coming out of Iraq was mismanaged.”
(Fox News)
Despite having laughed at Mrs Firina on the estate tax, she was the only one so far to have remembered both mistakes in that war : going in at all and going out too soon!

On the lighter side : NFL New England Patriots Deflategate
An ex reality TV participant Ayla Brown, an ex-quarteback Brett Favre, a soon to be ex-presidential primary candidate Chris Christie and a teammate, the mighty Gronk, are defending Tom Brady on his Deflategate punishment; guess which 2 he prefers?

The best joke on sale about Brady & Deflategate came yesterday from the Bleacher Report however :


One thought on “News oneliners to go.

  1. Yes, Tay, we are all so disappointed with Cosby, after growing up with him supposedly being such a great dad and person… but when one or two claim you did something wrong, that’s one thing, but when 37 claim the same thing… it’s beyond believable. I know Hollywood is full of greedy people who would love to sue him out of his billions, but just the odds alone make the loudest statement. I have lost all respect for him, along with millions of others, I am sure.
    The war issue, is a similar disgrace, and believe it or not, most Americans did NOT want us to go to war, any of the MANY wars going on now.. but when corrupt politicians get their way, and the corrupt corporations who are actually making money on these wars, and the deaths of 1000’s don’t matter to them… we realize we are no longer the greatest nation. Yes freedom matters, women and children’s rights to being treated equally and given the chance to learn, and stopping these sick motherfucker’s who think killing innocent people is ok, then yes, maybe war is necessary, but I for one, along with MANY millions of others, do not think this is the way. But we, as the norm, have no say in the matter.
    So when you slam our country, it hurts. It hurts all of us. There is not one nation on this earth that truly believes in Peace. Every one of them would go to war to make others believe the way they do… which tells you our entire world is pretty fucked up. Humans are so far from humane, they don’t deserve to be called human. We are a bacteria, killing our OWN HABITAT, along with everything else! We are a true disgrace and basically a bunch of stupid apes! (and sorry, I didn’t mean to put down apes…lol… they are smarter than us!!!) The better word would be CAVEMEN!!! still lost in the woods, scratching our crotches and smelling our armpits!!! lol

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