
The 49 Turkish diplomats and others held by Da’esh – ISIL have been freed, great news!
The article insists however on the absence of ransom. In Turkey itself, the official narrative is that Da’esh-ISIL were touched by the personality and charisma of the PM of the last 11 years and now President Tayyip Recep Erdogan ( such a shift as Vladimir Putin is familiar of, a maximum of terms in one function, switch and repeat ad libitum! ). He is after all a man of the faith himself, if that means anything to Da’esh, having squandered the modern Turkish heritage of  Ataturk as much as he dared and taken control over most powers including Internet the way they would if they could. Except for the opposition of course, who believes that there has to have been an exchange of some sort.

Well, if there was no ransom paid then the trade touched something else right? And much was already given since the diplomats were captured like free transit if not use of the Turkish borders and adjoining towns as mentioned by the article’s end or actually taking the displaced Kurds off Da’esch’s hands [ http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29294656 ] even though Turkey already thinks it has too many Kurds, a lengthy “discussion” between the two having been underway for 30 years? What could be better, something like Turkey refusing the use of its airspace to NATO ally USA [ http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Sep-11/270333-turkey-refuses-us-permission-for-combat-missions-against-isis-official.ashx#ixzz3D1GU3wqj ] or like Turkey assisting medically ISIL associates [ http://www.todayszaman.com/national_nurse-says-shes-tired-of-treating-isil-terrorists_358992.html ]. When we see negotiations we think promises, conditional, future but in some cases, the hostages are kept until the non-monetary payments have been made in full. If you apply this to the present case, all the above have been going on since the hostages were nabbed in June. The IS guys then let them go. Just sayin’


Where we learn that the future Chinese particle accelerator will go back to the Big Bang’s energy conditions. The conditions following the Big Bang can be separated in three. The first category is governed by Planck’s time ( 5.4 x 10-44s ), a subset of his world famous constant h. Not only can’t anything be measured below it but we have yet to measure anything below 300 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 times that amount! And almost halfway between it and the whole second, the SuperInflation ended but before it did, the conditions of supraluminal speeds existed so that EVEN at the speed of light, you’d be dragging painfully behind the dragster? And using this analogy, space-time is not itself limited by the speed of light anymore than the flat salt lake is “limited” to the record of speed now registered at it ( a meager 1 228+- km/h ). You could say that the speed of light of then was faster than ours to the same avail, no one is getting any younger, etc. In fact, talking of Light at all has to wait until the recombination that decoupled it from matter and caused the Cosmic Microwave Background that we now study as the “End” of the Universe ( I’m still looking for the restaurant ). That was 300 000 years after the Big Bang! So yes, dear journalist, the new collider in China will be oh! so sexy and make science progress, granted, but it will not recreate “ the hyper-energy conditions that dominated following the Big Bang  “ unless you mean most of the later stuff such as my coughing and spitting coffee on my screen as I read your enthusiastic exaggeration. Denied!


And last but not least although by far less serious than the subjects above, Kim Kardashian. It seems that nude pictures of Kim from the great celebrities e/iCloud hack were posted on 4chan and reddit. The sites reacted with an immediate pull-out. It got me thinking about the motivation of the thieves. If they can’t profit from the publication up to now, merely accomplish it, what do they want? I think I found the answer.

This is Kim Kardashian at the pool :


Click for link.


Click for link.

Kim on the street :


Click for link.

This is Kim Kardashian at her husband’s Kanye concert :


Click for link.

This is Kim on a cover but not quite not under one :

Kim-Kardashian-BritishThis is Kim Kardashian having her boobs “done” in some way by laser :


Click for link.

I mean seriously, the girl isn’t shy, right? One could wonder  what she was doing on these stolen pics cuz being naked won’t cut it. I’d have to suppose an object at least was involved, a petrol lorry, a bus full of Japanese tourists, a super tanker, something huge! Consider her usual threshold in modesty, little else would cut it. Inversely, if the pictures are but selfies au naturel, the question becomes : Who cares? I’m sure there are collectors for such clichés as for baseball or hockey cards but that’s it. The only potential victim in this case is those that normally profit from semi-dressed Kims and consorts : the Peoples and entertainment gossip media. They make their bread and butter with less and would be out of a job if more was available for free. And they are a 3 billion $ industry!!!


That was the hack’s objective. These low-lifes are trying to terminate one of the most pointless ways of making money the modern world has produced ( and thus highest yielding). They are trying to sink capitalism fair and square, if you ask me! Degenerates! As bad as IS-Da’esh or about. Lucky for them that airstrikes don’t work over the Internet. Tssssk!

😉 Tay.

3 thoughts on “3 news that make you go : Tut tut tut, please make sense!

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