
You all heard that the ex-Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher is fighting for his life in French hospital after a ski fall. ( His wife is asking for privacy from the media in these difficult time by the way which I fully understand : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25636948 ). Today we learned that Chancellor Angela Merkel broke her pelvis, also during a ski accident.

What next? Will Lloyds refuse to cover German tourists on the slopes? Will the German Olympic ski team declare forfeit for the upcoming Sotchi games, suddenly more scared of the snow than of the possible Chechen terrorist attacks? Will Rammstein move to the Caribbean and take up reggae? We’d understand. I don’t know what malediction is upon Deutschland but if I was a German national, I’d trade in those tickets for the upcoming ski trip for something less risky, a beginners class in chainsaw juggling maybe?


For those who do not know who Dennis Rodman is, he was a pretty darn excellent basketball player in the NBA. No matter how great his abilities however, they were overshadowed by his attitude and penchant for excessive garb and behaviour. We last covered the clown as he made an exhibition tour to North Korea at the height of last year’s tense nuclear crisis when the master of Pyongyang. It so happens that he’s at it again.
Having organized a trip and bringing along seven NBA buddies, he was interviewed on CNN and got neurotic :

You can also find a summary here :

The justification ( rationale didn’t seem proper for some reason? ) for the trip is that it will be Kim Yung-Un’s birthday soon. No matter that the gentle leader had his ex-girlfriend executed last summer and recently had his uncle killed as well, which prompted rumors that Kim had the body fed to his dog ( actually a Chinese satire piece ) and is now concluded by the death of the said uncle’s wife either by sorrow or suicide, Dennis trusts his buddy and intends to make World Peace through basketball ( Keep Hoops alive? )


I wonder if Rodman might be hoping  that Kim will “take care” of pesky relatives for him too? If so and unless he’s dead set on a firing squad, he’s probably the only american black guy that has to travel abroad to hire a gun? Since I suppose his relatives are African American themselves and considering Dennis’ wealth, wouldn’t it be simpler to just buy them a house in a nice Floridan white gated-community? Plus the gesture would likely draw suspicions away? What? I’m going too far? Ok, then strike that but consider this : what would Kim and Dennis’ natural child look like?


Photo : Robin Marchant / Getty Images.

Photo : Robin Marchant / Getty Images.

Glad for laughs and sorry for the nightmares.


Meanwhile in North America, the weather is going nuts. America is under extreme cold temperatures as I write, much colder than normal and the only reason why you don’t get similar reports from Canada is that up there those are customary. Two friends  reported something amazing. In America, this Wisconsin weatherman showed hot water turning to snow and the video went viral by now but here it is :

Thanks Ann for pointing that out and then to Nathalie for this : In Québec City if my source is to be believed, before dawn on Monday, a snow storm was blowing. As people left for work however, the temperature rose to +5 degrees Celsius  and by noon, rain was pouring down until puddles reached over calf height for an average adult? Then the cold came back around sunset and by the end of the night, it was 15 degrees below freezing? Snow, rain and freezing cold over less than 24 hours? It had me wondering how the poor folks dress in the morning? In order to be prepared for all of that, I only see one solution!
Grab a backpack and stuff it with a snowsuit, a diving suit and a djellaba? That way, you should be able to make it through the day in comfort?

What a strange day that just was.
See you tomorrow, Tay.

One thought on “Germans on hard snow; Rodman on thin ice; North America on both : crazy news.

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