


Let’s begin with the incredible coincidence that marked Nelson Mandela’s passing. His daughters were in London for the first screening of  Long Walk to Freedom, a film retracing the life of the icon.


They left the screening for their hotel about mid-way through it. And as the credits were starting to roll and the spectators which included the African connoisseur and devotee Prince William and his wife Kate rose to applaud, the film’s star Idris Elba took to the stage and announced the death of Madiba! Destiny?


At the same time, it links to Paris where the Africa-France summit on peace and security. This was held on Friday and Saturday  ( December 2013 ) and its most conspicuous absentee happened to be South African President Jacob Zuma hidden behind domestic problems, unhappy that he was about the place France still holds in the Black continent’s affairs? Including notably CAR? Which allowed him to be present to announce the death of Rolihlahla to his countrymen?


As fortunate it was for Zuma’s beloved public eye posturing, it also exemplified the problem faced by Africa, namely that taking over its own business requires unity and commitment, neither of which are available in sufficient quantity?


The UN’s Ban Ki-Moon was present though which was fortunate as the organization he leads also moved in timely fashion for once? And the French forces began operating in the Central African Republic.


There could hardly have been a better set of circumstances to bring the security problem in Africa to the forefront, right? Then, the next news was that people had gathered by the thousands around Bangui’s airport to seek the French Army’s protection.



That short video report from EuroNews clearly demonstrates why the French officials had talked of urgency for the last 2 weeks!


Then, the summit came to an end on 2 declarations by French President François Hollande ;



The former to announce that the deployment would be raised by 33% from 1,200 to 1,600 troops which fits the opinion that I provided my readers with yesterday


to the effect that the numbers were just high enough to secure the capital and 2 main roads. This increase will allow for the mission to implement the induction of the UN approved MISCA to start on December 19. It will also to secure Bossangoa in the Western part of CAR where Séléka/government forces clashed with self-defence groups.

“… ce sera l’effectif qui demeurera autant que nécessaire pour cette mission …”

-It will be the size of the contingent that will stay as long as needed for the mission to be accomplished

stated President Hollande which is excellent. As with Mali, he thus gives the necessary support to his men by committing them in extenso and evading the ludicrous “Mission Accomplished” blunder we witnessed a few years back by another Western power’s chief. At the same time, he contradicts himself on the basis of the latest decisions as to the financing of his Nation’s military, a fact which I often decried in the past.

When you reduce the format of your forces, when you expect to act with less jet fighters than ever before and yet still commit those soldiers to major undertakings at the forefront of the World’s fight for Democracy and Justice, all the while thus promoting your grandeur abroad to hide your lackluster in-house results, you are in effect betting on their performance to save yours? Every life of a French soldier lost will be counted as a cynical way to achieve re-election in 2017. Unless you either bring the sinking economy ( recent loss of another rank to AA rating ) back up or put your money where your mouth is and finance such valid outings apart from the declining means that flat budgets signify for your Army?

The only thing that saves François Hollande, apart from being clear  and the brilliant efficient work of his troops, is the comparison to be drawn with the rest of the gang. The USA are taking a back seat to the African events in 2013 for its administration slant on foreign involvment to play  in internal politics. The UK pays limit lip service to its alliance from the Lancaster House accords but at least does so despite its own financial restrictions, knowing full well that the future collaboration with its mainland cousins is not a choice by now anymore. The rest …

Germany proposed transport planes but only as long as those would land in neighboring countries and not in Bangui itself? War planes yes but not to be used anywhere near a war? That relates to both the Serbian engagemtn where a joke went : -The German govt will fight for Bosnia to the last French soldier & my description of the Bundeswehr as the strongest non-combat ready Army in Europe ( if not in the World ). The rest of the EU did worse? Considering then hiow little leadership and if things do not change how little means europe will soon have, this goes to support A- my contention that a Europe of the Defence is unlikely in this century; B- that the Franco-British marriage is a goddam necessity and C- that one can’t help understanding the US to concentrate their ( also declining ) might on Asia and its huge New Star?

The latter of the 2 declarations of the French President can now be evaluated. President Hollande contends that Africa needs to step-up to assume its security, if only in bigger part than it used to so far. He offers the help of France to do so : training 20 000 African troops per year to modern levels for the next 5 years and donating some equipment!


I have as little faith in that proposition becoming real as I have certainties that it is the only possible long-term option that carries any validity. Africans enabling themselves to minimize trouble autonomously would :

diminish Foreign involvement : FrançAfrique, colonizer’s stronghold, pillaging of resources;

diminish the possibility of a new guy ( i.e. China ) stepping in the old role;

free the French from having to squander resources they will soon lack;

insure that the US need not go over 3rd tier role and concentrate its resources where they are needed ( Somewhere West of Guam? );

and even possibly allow the European Union to eventually go from preliminary committees to active units as far as faring for itself?

In a nutshell, a win-win situation? China has lots to do elsewhere and even more so in-house? The Muslim World should finish settling its disputes before bothering? [ Except for African Muslim Nations such as Morrocco whose King Mohammed committed FAR troops as it is also its continent of course! ). The USA has bigger fish ( i.e. aforementioned Celestial carp ) to fry in the ocean to its West than in the sands and jungles of the continent to its East? And so on!

Photo credit : French Heads of Staff Click for link.

Photo credit :
French Heads of Staff
Click for link.


What’s maybe more important than all of this is to come back to South Africa! If President Zuma has a real desire to be remembered as a worthwhile successor to his immense predecessor, instead of shunning discussions, he should make use of the turning point moment we just outlined and that President Hollande called for. Not alone mind you as he still had a lot to do in his country but as one of the leaders that can will the continent into its next era? And thus free it of the past domination of the white men ( that have themselves enough on their plate ) or the future one of the yellow ones? It is my strong belief that once the colors from abroad  have ceased to influence Africa, it will rebuild a new history void of racial differences! It was also Badinbhunga’s?

Once the continent stands from the pale Tuaregs to the dark Zulus on its own, the example of forgetful friendly fearless fortitude left to it by Tata Madiba will be accomplished!

And the unjust treatment he was subjected to transfixed into its eternal value.

Make Madiba proud, Africa! Make him right! Stand!

Peace out, Tay.

Additional reading :




Shortened translation :

“24 hours into the Sangaris Operation : “Gen. F. Soriano leads 1. 200 men … including 2 Gazelle attack & 4 Puma transport helicopters … and support, command and logistics elements. … The French troops secured the M’Poko airport and main French holdings and concerns… and began foot patrols in Bangui in iteraction with Fomac/( future MISCA ). Rafale fighters began fly-overs and Show of Presence maneuvers.

The Bixmude Projection and Command Ship disembarked squadron entered CAR in the night of Dec. 6th to Dec 7th and his recognizing the Western part of the country.

Groups have begun progression to the North out of Bangui.

These actions have limited direct fighting but sporadic gunfights and tensions are on-going.”


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