
Yesterday in France, in the night following the 14th of July National Day, Greenpeace activists “raided” the Tricastin nuclear plant. That comprised 2 actions : one of entering the plant itself and one of projecting images from the opposite side of the river onto the huge cooling towers. And I may add, was not their first such action.


The idea of showing that those plants are not protected enough is quite reasonable and right after so many French high tech gear and strong troops were on parade in Paris is a nice symbolic strike.
However, it bears reminding our readers that this is the ecologists best way to dispute the local nuclear industry as France boasts of the best security record in the world in nukes while also having the highest ratio of its energy coming from it? Classical case of if you can’t attack the meaning/function attack the delivery/form?


Meanwhile the President of Panama “tweeted” that a North Korean ship was seized carrying missiles hidden under a sugar load of cargo. I agree ( as shown by my informing you about it ) that it is indeed proper news but .. I want to warn my readers that if they are surprised that North Korea would hide missiles in Cuba which was the origin of that ship, or more likely bringing the weapons for an upgrade before returning them to Havana as Cuba does not produce those, they lack international affairs flair? 😎



Some analysts will likely come out with in-depth pieces on it in the next days! All to show that Cuba and North Korea are allies or aligned? Geez, then how about an article to enquire on the surprising cues, like cooperation on the F-35 jet fighter, that might reveal the USA and the UK to be more than just friends? Oh! Shocking?

At least it shows the Cold War to be over, another unexpected information, huh? Because when the USSR ( Russians of yore ) tried to send missiles to Cuba, the crisis was a smidgeon more intense?

Good and fun day all; see you later, Tay.

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