
Did you know that in Alabama, it was forbidden to play cards or games in general on Sunday?

and yet the same law specifically allows car & motorcycle racing?



I’ll pass on the motor thing that forbids bike races and other human-powered playthings and seems to make Sunday in Alabama Pollute for God’s glory Day. But forbidding gaming clearly makes this a law passed initially before Internet does it not? And in all truth, it is the crux of the matter in such strange laws cases. Sticking with motors, let us remember the Hackney Carriage laws.

Those were enacted in 1831 when of course petrol burning was not yet in fashion. They concerned horse and cab or buggy affairs. They allowed a cab driver through a subsequent law to urinate along side his cab if the need came. These laws have seen 25 revisions since and the world has changed and British cabbies go to bathrooms. But if the original clause has not been revoked specifically, you may still go to court with it. The Alabama law is still valid as shown by the link however.


In general, governments add laws more than they modify them. Without a military coup or emergence of a dictator, codes of law rarely get rewritten entirely. That would entail judging what those that created them meant. It is much simpler to add a law that respects past ones and allows you as an elected office to do what you want. So laws pile-up.


Entropy is that second law of thermodynamics that we mentioned in yesterday’s post on Balance. The fact that things tend to disorder in everyday speech. It is more than that but disorder is good enough for our use. A flat surface tends to fill up. Your table, main or coffee, your desk of course real or virtual ( It works for curved surfaces as inside your purse or bag? ) are all filling up with stuff if left unkept. As we need to clear the desk to work, the government would benefit from clearing the law’s bag and those that forget to do it end up in stupid situations for the clutter.


France got the Palm as said in its marvelous now ongoing Cannes Festival. Laurels to the French for proving the legend about its mind-boggling bureaucracy especially as regards taxes.

While not being the most taxed country in the world for its citizens in general, the government managed to tax some people over a 100% of their revenues.



I know some governments actually practice welfare with rules that actually emphasize those on it NOT trying to work which is stupid! But really? France has found a way to discourage those who do work and earn money from keeping at it? Now that’s stupid!


Ridicule is originally a French word, n’est-ce pas? 😎 Tay.

One thought on “Entropy in ( stupid ) law making : France gets the laurels!

  1. The moment you forget a thing undone is when entropy takes over. I did neglect answering and there we are, welcoming Kendall, Zach, Spinnos, Sam and Gabriel! Lots of incentive to do a proper job, thank you all, Tay. 😀

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