
In New Orleans, a shooting occurred at the local celebration of Mother’s Day. We don’t know yet if it was related to the festivities but I found something strange as I inquired on the events. On this Fox 8 New Orleans station’s page covering the drama


the comments by the public are worth the read. If you check it out, don’t forget to go to the older posts and back up to follow the discussion’s timeline. If not, here is the short story.

Some folks despaired that yet another massacre has happened while the Nation seems intent on doing nothing as evidenced by the recent refusal in Washington to extend background checks for gun acquisitions.

Then some other folks picked it up by saying that those were unjustly blaming the Republicans which, by the way, is incorrect since many Democrats voted against it too in order to please what they see as their constituents’ position on the matter. Of course, the Democrats are wrong since the majority of Americans agree that something should be done. They’re just not as vocal as the pro-gun, anti-tyranny brigade. So it is not solely the GOP’s fault!

Still, the people who got itchy about the politics, either side, are part of the problem, in all truth.

As long as America treats the symptoms and refuses to treat the cause, things will stay the same. Just to make sure you understand the validity of my point, within 45 minutes, one comment put the blame on President Obama saying that shootings were a way to influence the public and Congress   ( adding that Russian soldiers are in charge of Homeland Security’s vehicles??? Heck why stop at half crazy when you can go all the way? ) and another blamed the Blacks since the shooters are apparently 3 black men calling them feral animals ( even though some victims were Black too? ). Another blamed Louisiana the state, another the lack of belief in God, etc. One said it was a worldwide problem concerning all humans ( a reasonable assumption ) and got 38 thumbs down for it?

I know these are Fox News followers but still? Remembering the nervous crisis of 2003 and the Iraq invasion, I was almost surprised that no one blamed France since the worse shooting that injured 12 people happened on Frenchmen Street? Tssssssssssk …

To follow up on Friday’s post about the second free elections in a row in Pakistan, just read that Time piece


While not always a fan of Time, this article contains the essentials on the matter. Nawaz Sharif is leading. He was Prime Minister before in the decades-long shifts between the PPP and his Muslim League. Ousted by General Pervez Musharraf in 1999, he was jailed and exiled. Now, Musharraf is being tried and Sharif back in power? Imran Khan, the ex cricket star player, did well on votes but not in seats.

What will happen now? The Nawaz Pakistani Muslim League is actually ready to work with all including America abroad. At the same time, its base is young but more conservative than that age group is normally pictured as being? The linked article also does a proper job of outlining the challenges. To be followed …

And in another election to be held soon in Iran, outgoing President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which cannot compete for a third term ( in which Iran is closer to the USA than say Russia? )endorsed heartily a candidate de facto making him look bad to the powers that be. Ex-president Rafsanjani also declared himself with similar results.

In Iran, the real power lies with the Revolutionary Guards and Shi’a clerics. They hold elections to calm the people and look good technically to the International Community but trust me, they don’t like it. Check :


In Rome, Pope Francis made hundreds of saints at once. They were massacred Italians by Turkish attackers for refusing to renounce their Faith. It should please the motion’s initiator, Benedict XVI but may be seen as an insult by some ticklish Muslims? Anyway, now that the trend is started, if you want to be on the next list, just type your vote in by calling 1-800-Subito-Sancto?

A second SARS virus case is bothering France but it was contracted by the roommate of the original victim that brought it back from a trip to the Arabic Peninsula there’s no need to cry epidemic just yet and the Yen is going down compared to the US dollar which is good news? Or is it? Check here :


And if human affairs are too depressing, you can check the Moon kissing Jupiter tonight :


Now forget me, this blog and the web and go hug your moms!

I’ll be here tomorrow for you, Tay.

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