
News from the virtual world, my dear readers.

WordPress is under attack! It has been reported that a series of bots. virtual robots that try to take control of sites or computers has been unleashed on our well-loved blogging platform. These try to access accounts whose owners have kept the Admin moniker automatically set ab initio. Which means that if that is your case, you may have been “infested”. The principle behind bots is that these programs can collect passwords and then use your account or in worst cases machine and direct them to “collaborate” in bigger attacks, say against the company’s servers in this instance.

Every time, gaining control if only temporary of a bigger total computing power slice and of course, usually disrupting normal functions.

The whole story is found at the serious Ars Technica internet security outfit :
Or you can register at CloudFare that was featured here before in the piece about SpamHaus and CyberBunker but only for full fledge sites and not those housed at wxw.nameofsite.wordpress.com :

There is also an alarm being raised on Stuxnet leftovers or similes that can hide in your Microsoft Word but as it is made to gather designs of systems, it should likely not concern my readers on average. Still, beware of files that read DQ ( hence the virus’ DuQu name ) in your machines.


In yet another case of virtual information, the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg and others have just started a concern to encourage a reform of the USA’s immigration policy. The site and organization are named FWD and can be found right here :


For those who just want to know what it’s about, let’s say that it is registered as a social welfare group to the IRS. This makes it quite free to use any donations for nearly any purpose. The general idea seem to be an opening of what is usually termed selective immigration whereby a Nation does keep the turnstyle moving for immigrants but choses them carefully. But so little is clear as of now that even that may be an interpretation of mine so I’ll say more as it unfolds.

In completely unrelated news, there is a new storm on the Bieber front. The witless boy star visited the Anne Frank Museum last week. He managed to writer as he signed the visitor’s book that he hoped Anna Frank, had she lived today would have been a fan of his. For those possibly unfamiliar with the story, Anne Frank was a German teenager in Amsterdam at the beginning of the Second World War. The family hid in secret rooms built in her dad Otto’s offices. Found and sent to the concentration camp of Auschwitz and then to that of Bergen-Belsen. They all died there save the father that found those who had helped him hide still in possession of his daughter’s diary. The document of that lively girl still hoping in the darkest of nights is one of the most important accounts of the Shoah.


I personally think that this is one of the best sides of celebrity in general and poor potted plant/twinkle little star Bieber’s in particular. Chances are that, judging solely by his musical output so far, Justin will not contribute to humanity in any significant fashion. If, however, his stupidity can raise interest here and there amongst those that have the time to follow his antics, it may as it did this time allow me and others to refresh the collective mind on important chronicles of our times.

The Bieber story is here :

but the museum’s site and real story, that of Anne is here instead :

In the physical real world meanwhile, North Korea so far launched only normal sized fireworks for the anniversary of their founding father and no missiles; Venezuela is waiting for electoral results that heavily favor the candidate backed by Hugo Chavez’ ghost which makes sense and the first woman to have received a womb transplant is pregnant. I’ll refrain from too enthusiastic a comment on the latter as it is a few  ( 8-ish ) months to success but darn, are them doctors good or what?

Two news got me much more excited though. One is a scientific endeavour that was allowed by the public land office of Hawaïi giving the green light to the construction of the 30-M telescope. It is a common project of Caltech and a regrouping of Canadian Astronomical Universities.


You can find them above and do understand that space is cluttered as is in near Earth orbits so that the big ground side mirrors still have their uses. Expect results around 2018-19.

And last but not least for the jolt of funny this carries :

putin id

The above Latvian license / identity paper was flashed once too many times by Lucas Bier to travel at a German train and confiscated. Lucas said he was often joked at by friends for his uncanny resemblance to the Russian autocrat and bought the fake as a joke. Herr Bier apparently forgot that the best jokes are also the shortest ones, overcame his luck.


Not only do I favor such jokes especially since it seems to be all pun and thus a victimless crime but Vladimir Putin reportedly found the story quite funny, which for sure constitutes an extremely rare occurrence of him and I agreeing. 😎

So thank you Lucas for reconciling people through laughter and good evening all, Tay.

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